Email marketing made easy with iContact

iContact email marketing user

When you run an online business and a side hustle, email marketing is so important for your business. There are so many tools available to help you grow your audience. Before you think about which tool to use, you’ll need to be clear on where to start with email marketing. Questions like “how do I optimise my website or provide a compelling opt-in offer?” It all sounds like something only email marketing specialists can do! But the email marketing experts at iContact have a whole load of experience and information to share on how it’s quick and easy to get started with email marketing. Read on to learn more:

*One of the most critical aspects of a successful email campaign is having a robust and engaged contact list. Maintaining and growing a strong contact list like farming, requires continuous care and attention in order to keep it flourishing rather than the alternative of wilting away.

Offer Compelling Opt-in Offers:

One of the most effective ways to attract new subscribers is by offering compelling opt-in offers. An opt-in offer is an incentive that you offer to your website visitors or potential subscribers in exchange for their email address. An opt-in offer can be anything that your target audience finds valuable, such as a report, a checklist, a video tutorial, or a discount code. Read more…

iContact Landing page editor

Optimize Your Website

Your website is the source of your online presence. By optimizing your website with lead generation in mind, you can turn it into a powerful tool for growing your subscriber base. Read more…

Let’s explore some effective strategies to optimize your website for growing your email contact list:

Leverage Organic And Paid Media Strategies:

Growing your email contact list using a combination of organic and paid media can be highly effective. Organic and Paid Methods are some strategies to implement. Learn more…

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If you want to learn more about iContact and how their email marketing solutions can help you grow your business, follow this link here: iContact Email Marketing

*Text copyright – iContact 2023: Text taken from Three Effective Strategies for Growing Your Email Contact List, Hank Hoffmeier, 28th June 2023 – Thanks to iContact for the use of their text.

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