Complimentary e-Book: Your Resilience Toolkit
This e-Book is for Black women who:
- Want to build or refresh their resilience at work.
- Are dealing with obstacles at work.
- Want a tool to keep at hand for their focus on their career steps, while holding onto their strength in their culture and Blackness.

This guide is also for those women who are climbing the ladder, starting out or having a tough time right now. You know when you need support or a kind word; well, you can start here. We spend a lot of time working and it can sometimes be the place of our greatest stress. So, it’s important for us to have wellness in the workplace too.
Above all, knowing that without having our resilience intact and a foundation of confidence to stand on, we’re undoing our best efforts.
Whether you have a boss who doesn’t support you, feeling isolated in the workplace or you want a place to record your thoughts and progress – Your Resilience Toolkit is the place to start.
How do you get your complimentary Resilience Toolkit – worth £15.95?
Use the Contact form on this page to send a message saying you want to receive the Resilience Toolkit. I hope you’ll enjoy the e-Book and I look forward to hearing your feedback. Take care for now 🙂
Terms & Conditions: One copy per email address/name. Afrowoman Online reserves the right to withdraw or change this offer at any time. All content is copyright of Afrowoman Online.
#Afrowomanonline #Blackwomenatwork #Blackwomenrising