Dear Black Women Take care of your emotional health

If it doesn't serve you, then it's time to put it down

Emotional health isn’t always mentioned but for me it deserves just as much attention as mental health. I often think about how we hold onto things. Whether that’s clothes that no-longer fit or an old hairstyle that doesn’t suit us anymore. Holding onto emotional pain and trauma keeps us stuck in the past and not living our best lives. I think it’s hard to sometimes tell the difference between emotional and mental health. Is it a temporary stressful situation or feelings that start affecting your self esteem or self-care for a long period of time? For me, emotional health goes hand-in-hand with mental health.

Pressure and our emotional health

When it comes to our emotional health, there are so many things that can affect us. Pressure form work or worrying about the opinions of others can have an impact. The stress of balancing work and family commitments, while trying to prioritise our wants and needs -all creates pressure. There is alot in every area of our lives that can wear us down emotionally.

If it doesn't serve you, then it's time to put it down

Being a Black woman in the white western world can create difficult situations that impact our emotions too. Whether it’s seeing white colleagues get promotions, while you’re sidelined. Or knowing that your Black beauty will never be accepted or appreciated in certain spaces. Having to try not to get angry, everytime we hear the word ‘woke’ demonised in society and media. Trying to smile when you’re handling all this – when deep down you’re fed-up and weary. All of this can take a toll on our emotions.

How do we take care of our emotional health?

I don’t believe there is a ‘To-Do’ list or perfect scenarios to suit everyone. We’re all going through different things. For me it starts with what we choose to hold onto emotionally and mentally. Whether it’s holding onto a relationship or person who doesn’t respect you. Or habits and routines that prevent the progress we need to make with our lives. So, as I wrote in this meme, if something doesn’t serve – support, help or give you the emotional stability you need, then it’s time to let it go. Put it down and prioritise your emotional and mental health always. Stay Blessed and well.

#Afrowomanonline #Blackwomenshealth #Wellbeingwednesday #Selfcare

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