Why us Black Women have to take care of our business
I recently filmed videos with two fantastic women – Maria Bradford, African Cuisine Expert, Professional Chef & Fine Dining Entrepreneur and Daniella Blechner, Owner of Conscious Dreams Publishing – for the next part of my video series Taking Care of Her Business. I’ve been thinking more about why us black women have to take care of our business?
Our business is about everything we need
I used this title initially to focus on us women who are working in all kinds of businesses, whether we’re managers, co-workers, directors or just starting out. The videos are about us hearing and seeing black women in different sectors and doing different things – showing how talented us black women are. But this isn’t only about work – the word ‘business’ as we know has another meaning.
Doing what you need to do
We know that when black people sometimes use the word ‘business’ we are talking about focusing on the things we need to do. I’ve often used the words – “Girl I’m just taking care of my business”. Which means I’m taking care of my finances, my bills, trying to eat right and manage my health. Our ‘business’ is anything we know we have to prioritise and push for.
Sometimes when we taking care of our business, we have to put down the things that aren’t good for us. Or those things that are time-wasters and are distractions. When a black woman needs to take care of her business, there is nothing to stand in our way.
What does taking care of our business mean today?
For our mothers and foremothers taking care of their business often meant just being able to hold their lives together. To feed their children, to pay bills and keep the roof over their head.
With the times we live in now, our ‘business’ has taken on so many other themes. It can range from juggling the day job, while building a business, or being a leader at work. Perhaps we are studying to make a change or using our resources better to buy the first property. It could be dealing with that boss or company that will not acknowledge your hard work and give you that promotion.
We cannot wait for white society to always acknowledge or support us – we have to be prepared to get up and go for what we want. Yes taking care of our business is about more than going to work. It’s about our whole lives and not waiting for anyone else to give us all that we deserve in this life.
Taking care of the business to have the lives we deserve
As I still see situations where black women are ignored, treated like our needs or efforts don’t matter, we have to take care of our business to get what we want out of life.
In today’s world, a black woman has to keep on looking at her life and assessing what she needs, the changes she needs to make, the work she needs to do to get to where she needs to be. Yes taking care of our business is a personal thing and sometimes part of our journey is building the lives we deserve.
The battle to take care of our business
I recently met with two black women who told me about the micro-agressions and racism they often deal with in the workplace (copy of Facebook post below). At times they feel alone, under pressure and have the feeling that everyday they have to fight for what they want, to take care of their business.
So yes, focusing on what we need to do for our careers, finances, health and every good thing we should have in this life, is sometimes a fight. Because taking care of our business isn’t always easy – but has to be done.
We cannot wait for white society to always acknowledge or support us – we have to be prepared to get up and go for what we want. Yes taking care of our business is about more than going to work. It’s about our whole lives and not waiting for anyone else to give us all that we deserve in this life.
I don’t know what business you need to take care of. But I’m sure if you are like alot of us, you are juggling multiple tasks, goals, ideas and sometimes struggles – just to make things happen. Whatever your business is, I hope you will keep going, never give up and above all, take care of you along the way.

Catch-up on the Taking Care of Her Business videos with Maria and Daniella, talking about being leaders in business and the experiences they have to share with us.
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